Friday, December 16, 2011

2008 Victory Vegas Jackpot or the 2008 BigDog Pitbull motorcycle?

I cannot decide between the two. I have researched everything about these two bikes and have even test ridden them. I just need opinions from real bikers with real experiences. Need honest answers please!|||Big Dog will close and Polaris will still be around. Big dog are nice but they may close next week or next year. Polaris has a stronger backing. Which has the closest dealer while it is under warranty? Can you work on them yourself after warranty? Is there a shop handy that can? Which one lights your heart?|||Also, the warranty on the Big Dog is 2 years versus Victory's 1 year warranty.

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|||I'm not very farmilliar with either but unless I'm mistaken the bigdog will ride a little lower and be more raked which is more my style so I'd go for that one.

On an economic note Victory is a much larger company and maintenance would probably be cheaper and the bike would probably be slightly more reliable but again, neither are my kind of ride. I think you should get a CBR|||Victory is reputed to make the best V twin in the US.

Being a Honda guy, I'd spend my bucks on the Fury.|||The 2009 Jackpot has the 106 cubic inch engine. Polaris builds a bulletproof bike. I own a 2004 Arlen Ness Victory and am very happy.|||Honestly, I have never owned either. I was considering a Pit Bull at one point, great looking bike. Everyone I spoke with tried to talk me out of it. Of course this is second hand information so take it as such. My understanding is that the Big Dogs lose their value very quickly and reliability is questionable, also a hard-tail is a really rough ride and can be dangerous if you encounter a turn with bumps in it. I guess it depends how often and how far you will ride it.

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