Friday, December 16, 2011

Is there a place in Minnesota to test drive a victory motorcycle?

I would really like to buy a victory Vegas or hammer, but I've never ridden a bike with the styling of these mahines before, especially the huge rear tires. I have ridden powerful bikes such as a gsxr1000 and a vmax, but before spending 15k+ I want to be sure I like the feel.

I have been riding for 4 years and have my m endorsement, as well as completed safety course, so skill is not a concern.

I've never purchases a bike from a dealer before. I don't know if they allow test rides?|||Go to this site鈥?/a>

enter your zip code and it will give you the dealers nearest you.

Yes they give test rides.|||Excellent choice in bike! My 06 kingpin has been the best bike I have ever owned!

Most dealers will let you test ride. depending on where in Minnesota you are, you could consider going to the factory in Spirit Lake, Iowa. I have not been there (a little too far from Texas) , but am willing to bet they will have a demo bike you can try out.

Good Luck, you will not be disappointed!

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