Friday, December 16, 2011

Why are victory motorcycle riders such snobs???

is it because they paid $18,000 for a bike that looks like ***?|||If I was going ride one of them antique "Me Too" engines you can bet your asss it would be a Vic before a HD. I'd wave at you as I blew by your Milwakee Vibrator, too.

The Vic is a ground-up custom production rather than a 70 yr old design that they still haven't got right.|||Snobs ride everything from Donkey's to Dune Buggies you are making a generalization. Victory's are most definitely NOT Harleys. Why bother with 100 year old technology that is overweight and underpowered.

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|||I'm not in the habit of paying more $$ for less motorcycle. Do your research, the first Harley was a moped and they used to make snowmobiles in addition to bowling balls.


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|||thank you to both of you for proving my point !!!!!!!

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|||Without a doubt|||They paid an awful lot of money to ride a bike often mistaken for a Harley but never will be one|||I never noticed that...then again I don't see many Victory motorcycles. I met a few snobs on BMWs though.|||i think there kind of mad because they could not afford a Harley,,and i guess this makes about as much sense as anything,,but the victory is a good bike to ride,,but it is definitely not a Harley,,maybe a Harley want to be,,maybe this is why,,hope this help,s.|||Funny, I did not know they paid so much. They should have bought a Harley, they are friendly to everyone on the road.|||OR MAYBE THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE ON A SNOWMOBILE....CAUSE VICTORY IS MADE BY POLARIS....PEACE OUT!|||because its a victory, pun intended

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