Worth buying in what way? Are they fast in the curves, no. Are they gonna win 1/4 mile races against sport bikes half their size, no. Are they stable at high speed, no. Are they good bang for the buck, no. Are they modern technology, no. But that can be said for all Vtwin crusiers.
If you care about status then you have to buy a harley. It is the name brand and all others are copies.. If you don't, then why are you buying a Vtwin cruseir? Sure the victory is better than harleys, but if you cared about performance you wouldn't buy a vtwin Cruiser in the first place.
Why would anyone base a bike purchase on how the exhaust sounds? And then you don't care about acceleration or handling? Weird.
Paul, all vtwin cruisers are sacrificing performance to look like a 1940 harley. There are liquid cooled touring bikes that have better comfort and modern performance and are cheaper to buy. There are all kinds of standards and dual sports that are going to be comfortable, accelerate faster and corner better and come at a cheaper price. You can't tell me a thin seated bar hopper that vibrates like a paint shaker and forces the rider to sit on his tailbone with his feet pointed at the front axel is comfortable. What they are is corny.
Crusier riders need to just admit they are about that look and quit pretending to worry their pretty little heads about how the things perform, because they don't and will never perform, no matter how much more money you put into parts upgrades. These parts will never help that lumber truck corner. Anyone set on buying a vtwin crusier should decide if he needs the nefarious status of a harley or not and then just go buy whatever bike he thinks is prettiest.|||Ninebadthings,
I have to admit that you make many good points in your "anti HD rants" but when you simply knock any cruiser type you look like a complete idiot. Unlike most other bikes, cruisers are designed for comfort and not necessarily performance. Where I do agree with you is that MANY HD owners buy a overpriced HD and spend tons of cash trying to make it something it isnt, just to be fit into the lifetyle. Its a complete rip off. However, a cruiser/tourer is THE BEST for comfort in any motorcycle. I have a bad back and cant ride sportbikes anymore, so to knock cruisers/tourers, due to ignorance and/or stupidity makes you look VERY bad.
To the question.....
Best advise I could give is to look at every motorcycle brand in that class and then compare. I know Victories are expensive, so just look at other brands and do your homework.
First of all, I make good money and can buy whatever I want. I had a HD and wont buy another one for MANY reasons that you stated. However, I can honestly say my HD was the MOST comfortable bike I ever rode. Second, different bikes are made for different reasons and you absolutely cannot question why somone may want over another. The argument arises when you have people who buy expensive motorcycles because of image or because of ignorance. I just bought a new M109R because there is no other classs of motorcycle that I wanted (sport cruiser) and I wanted something that wouldnt kill my back. I also wasnt going to spend gobbs of money on something that was doggshitt slow, like a HD and then have to throw more gobbs of money into it making it something it wasnt, like a HD.
Your making arguments on subjective things, like art, and those are invalid arguments. There are MANY legitmate motorcycle riders who dont want a performance machine and a cruiser, or sport cruiser in my case, fits the bill. I also have my GOldwing and I take that out with my wife on the weekends and for trips. The M109R is for gettin back and fourth to work in the summer.
Attacking HD owners is VERY easy on these boards because they always use the same old defensive arguments. Be mart with your thinking.....|||A friend of mine owns one and it is a really nice bike. It sounds pretty good stock. Personally I own a Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad and my buddy likes my bike better.
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