Friday, December 16, 2011

When will new Harley Davidson Motorcycles go on sale?

I can't understand every other brand of motorcycles are on sale with big cuts in prices, but HD never cut their prices.

Just who do they think they are?

Does HD think they are better than everybody else?

even BMW and Victory bikes cut their prices

both are better bikes|||In the Words of David Allan Coe's song " Harley Someday"-

"Those Harleys, they cost too much money, a small bike is all he could buy, he covers it up on his carport, if anyone seen it he'd Die"|||New Harley Davidsons have been on sale for about 106 years|||New Harley Davidson bikes are on sale all year round.Not that you will ever have one.Why would a fool that hates them even care to ask?

Your just frustrated about your clown acts not working ain't you?|||Harley dealerships will cut deals these days.

I walked into a Victory dealer the other day. With the exception of a lot of used Japanese bikes....they had a grand total of 6 new Victory's on the floor. Three of them were Visions. I can't imagine why those beauties aren't selling.|||They do lower prices every day. you can also negotiate a deal with them. Ive done it. I don't think they think they are better. I know they know they have a product people are willing to pay a premium. who do you think you are telling them they should cut the price on their bikes. Just cause your job flipping burgers part time does not allow you to get one. Don't knock em for having a better business plan.|||I haven't met a single person that has paid full price for any bike including HD's. Who do you think you are to carry an incredulous attitude about something you profess to hate? -and NO, HD knows exactly where they stack up in the marketplace. count on it. You would know that if you bought one. If you can't stomach them, then just stay away from them.

Yeah, BMW is a fine machine, been around for a long time. Better than HD? No. Every bit as good and a standout in its own right? Exactly.

Victory is only a better bike according to Victory; their real-world stats tell a different story. A 2nd class snowmobile/watercraft maker at best.

BMW, Victory, whatever: all have cut their prices, you have been out of the loop for awhile now.|||Yer an idiot, you even go as far as to answer the question with an alias, even your alias is an idiot. Why not give up on the bashing and save yer breath, unless of course yer not happy until you have pissed someone off ? One day you will discover that people are tired of yer ranting and bashing. You might wanna start looking for a hidey-hole, idiot. Get back on yer WallMart bicycle and pedal yer stanky a$$ back to mommy. Idiot.|||Why doesn't HD cut their prices?

BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO!|||According to you Harley owners are fat,bald and toothless right.So why would you want one? See I can be a smartass just like you!|||Did walmart start selling harleys? Didn't think so... then why should you expect a "price rollback"?

The only thing you should expect from a harley dealership barf, is for them to not welcome you there

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