Friday, December 16, 2011

Where can I find a good website for motorcycle exhaust sounds? Particularly Harley Davidson or Victory.?

you can find it at youtube. You'll see the most popular are cobras and vince and hence or something like that|||go to Vance and they have sound clips with different exhaust systems.|||You can find almost anything on Youtube|||The best exhaust sounds on the net are here:鈥?/a>|||would'nt the sound differ from the speakers?? type of motor, alterations to the bike, etc?? see a GOOD reputable dealer for more details|||Your best bet would be to go to a bike night and hear them .your not going to get the same sound from a websight , And people are more than willing to start up there bike so you can hear what it sounds like /|||Vance%26amp;Hines is the only manufactor I know of that places sound files on their website for each spesific product.|||Youtube is really good for that. My husband always goes on there to hear different exhausts for his car %26amp; motorcycle.

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